Forever Homes for
Abandoned Pets
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Image of a life preserver Join the Rescue!™
Site Pages
Image of paw print Love stories
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 Recent rescues
 Fosters needed
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Related Sites
Image of paw print ASPCA
Image of paw print Humane Society
Image of paw print WWF
Image of paw print Shelters near you

Forever Homes for Abandoned Pets, Inc.
P.O. Box 3705
Mankato, MN
(612) 886-6904
Donate here

Foster families are also needed

When the brave men and women of our armed forces get deployed, their pets cannot come with them. These servicemembers don't always have a family member or friend who is able to care for their pets.

Some organizations have sprung up to help match such pets with foster families. Foster families keep these pets from being permanently separated from their owners.

We're aware of the following nonprofits and, as far as we've learned thus far, have no reason not to recommend them. Your input is, of course, highly valuable. (The links appear in the order in which we learned of them, and no other meaning should be read into their relative placement on this page.)'s Military Pets FOSTER Project
Someone Cares Rescue & Placement, Inc.
Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet

If you can't help these worthy folks out yourself, then . . .

These pets have lost their families temporarily. Won't you Join the Rescue™?

Copyright © Forever Homes for Abandoned Pets, Inc.